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  1. 5

    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @lucia398 I understand the frustration with RPL and hearing that it’s normal when idk I’ve been in this community for 2 years now and I also don’t tend to see higher doubling times . I HAVE though I do know babies born with double time slowed after 1200 ans were around the 60 hour doubling time...
  2. 5

    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @lucia398 Mine did slow down acrually but it slowed down from doubling every like 24 hours to 48 . Whixh is still significant! Thsn it for to like 59 hours after 6,000. So it’s true for me but it being soooo many hours hasn’t been true . My unviable pregnancies a slow down after 1200 was 96...
  3. 5

    Next level rudeness

    @stevenglo Thank you ❤️❤️
  4. 5

    Next level rudeness

    @stevenglo My kid is three and I haven’t run into people asking me if he’s my only yet we’re youngish parents ? Maybe we just look young ? My kid is starting to look like a big boy though so I’m not looking forward to strangers getting in my business . I think the only time was a family member...
  5. 5

    I always ovulate late (CD 19-20) but ultrasound said baby is measuring right at 7 w? Shouldn’t it be behind since I ovulated late?

    @hiev I measured ahead at my ultrasound I was 7 weeks 4 days and I knowwww I wasn’t 8 weeks because we did blood work to confirm ovulation so I could do progesterone as soon as I ovulated . But then I had a scan like three days later at a hospital and I measured 8 weeks jusf like I should ...
  6. 5

    Babies heart skipping a beat

    @singleloser50 Yeah def with my last loss I didn’t make it passed 16 weeks and with my first child(my live child ) I stopped using the Doppler by this time and I really have no idea what the heartbeat sounds like when it’s bigger ! Thank you for being so kind tho I really appreciate it so much...
  7. 5

    Babies heart skipping a beat

    @singleloser50 Yeah maybe that’s what I’m hearing baby move ? Yeah I was looking it up it sounds like it can be common and okay in the third trimester but I wasn’t sure about now ? But yeah maybe it’s the baby moving weird . I hope . I know I’m not a dr and may sound like crazy but it’s just...
  8. 5

    Babies heart skipping a beat

    Hey y’all I’m 19 weeks today , I had an appointment at obgyn yesterday and babies heartbeat was fine . I also check it af home often and am very good with a Doppler and the sounds to look for . My babies heart is skipping a beat today . I woke up with the tiniest amount of spotting and now this...
  9. 5

    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @sjp51 Another reason I DONT like beta base is a lot of us see heartbeats and go on to have miscarriages. And I have put a pregnancy in there where my betas were very bad but I saw a heartbeat of 100 at 6 weeks so I submitted it . There was no way to me to take the information off of the site .