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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @aimee3915 I’m not a developmental psychologist so I can’t begin to answer that question but if it’s anything like the rest of psychology, there is no easy 1 answer. It’s probably a balance of a combination of things that are slightly different for every baby. Not a satisfying answer, I know.
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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @pastorchrisparker As a psychologist, attachment theory is ONE theory of developmental psychology amongst several (dozen) theories. There are some studies showing attachment styles in babies (the strange situation research) but the way this has been twisted and generalized to make sweeping...
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    Please convince me that it’s okay to quit pumping

    @msl74pc We went EFF after 3 days because I was producing nothing, my baby was starving, my mental health was in the toilet, and after wretched experiences with the lactation consultants at the hospital I was never going to go near one again. Formula SAVED MY LIFE and my baby’s life too. I was...
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    How do you have time to do anything?

    @babszie You described my life as well. I feel very overwhelmed. My husband is paraplegic and a professor who teaches night classes so isn’t always able to help like other partners can. I have no life and no hobbies and I’m not healthy and I hate it.
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    In my feelings re: Michelle Wolf childbirth piece

    @jeepdude Midwife is not a protected term in many states and anyone can call themselves a midwife. So maybe do a little more research before responding to a 6 month old comment.
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    In my feelings re: Michelle Wolf childbirth piece

    @dacalledone I also had an anesthesiologist delay, apparently there were like back to back emergency c sections which of course are more important but I was NOOOOOOOOT interested in experiencing labor for that long. I ended up starting to push only 30 min after I got the epidural so I didn’t...
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    In my feelings re: Michelle Wolf childbirth piece

    @leedoldol I had my baby during the beginning of the pandemic and so many people were switching to home births out of fear of being exposed to COVID in the hospital and I was like “yeah I’d rather risk COVID than have an unmedicated birth no thanks”
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    In my feelings re: Michelle Wolf childbirth piece

    @justaperson1111 I’ve always wondered, does working with a midwife in a hospital setting mean default no epidural? Because I was one of those women who had NO INTEREST in medication-free birth. I had to wait like 4 hours for my epidural and it was 3.90 hours too long
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    In my feelings re: Michelle Wolf childbirth piece

    @pablo628 She conveniently leaves out that in the US “midwife” is not a protected term and can be used by any yahoo who wants to stick their hand up your vagina while you’re in labor. I totally agree that there are huge problems with the hospital system and the US medical system in general, but...
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @chenml60 I’m sorry I probably missed it but how old is your baby?
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    Who here has a mediocre relationship with their sibling(s)?

    @ernesjohnson Not me, but my parents had bad relationships with their siblings, which I watched as my grandparents needed more help and things went from meh to up in flames - as an only child when I hear other onlies lament having to navigate elderly parents alone instead of having support I...
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    I’m really struggling with guilt

    @rohanakumara If your husband is so attached to the idea of breastfeeding he is welcome to try. I don’t understand these men who think they can make decisions about our bodies. My husband was elated I formula fed because it meant he could feed the baby too. They bonded so much during bottles.