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  1. P

    What’s your favorite formula?

    @conner74 Kendamil original. We started using it with my older child, because we were combo feeding so the smaller scoop was nice. It was also the height of the 2022 shortage, and I could always snag a can at target. We stuck with it this time, and I love that it’s palm oil free. It’s also...
  2. P

    Is having a second kid really worth all the trouble? It looks exponentially harder to go from 1 to 2 kids than zero to 1.

    @christopherpriestley Honestly, we’ve found 1-2 to be significantly easier than 0-1 in terms of how hard it’s been to adjust. Babies are no longer an unknown. We’re already held hostage by a toddler, what’s one more? All of the things you’ve listed (minus relationship struggles, though I’d...
  3. P

    I’m really struggling with guilt

    @findinghisway I love this story! I did all the things to make EBF work, and drove myself insane to the point I was weighing my baby multiple times a day and had to go on medication. Once we moved to combo feeding, I loved it and we happily made it a year. Like you, if we hadn’t implemented...
  4. P

    When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

    @londoj 9 months! I went in with the expectation that we’d be lucky if he slept through the night before his first birthday so it felt like a victory. That being said, we’re not sleep trainers, so I’m sure he would have slept through the night earlier if we had.
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    I’m really struggling with guilt

    @rohanakumara If you’re feeling guilty because you’re changing your mind, go into it with an open mind. The internet makes it seem like it’s all or nothing. A lot of us end up combo feeding, either very briefly (to give baby some colostrum), for 1-2 years, or somewhere in between. If you’re...
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @palomaespecial I’ll definitely ask, but I feel like it can’t be safe to give it that often? The last two puke-fests have been driving locally 😭
  7. P

    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @chenml60 I EBF and combo fed when we bed shared (like you, I found the “I’d never risk it!” to be profoundly unhelpful…the fact that they didn’t resort to co-sleeping was proof positive that their kids never got as difficult as mine!), so we technically followed the safe sleep 7. BUT, it’s been...
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    RTF formula: is it really necessary for newborns

    @lewis5398 We’re using some RTF for the first couple of weeks, mostly for ease (we’re combo feeding, so the cost won’t be a huge burden) but then will switch over to just batch prepping sterilized formula. It’s pretty easy to sterilize powder formula, look into a kettle and the Dr. Browns pitcher!
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    Breech baby, planned C Section, any benefits of going into labor before C Section?

    @tracyqueen Given the risks of stillbirth once you get post-dates, I wouldn’t push it past your due date. I was in the same boat and, given the Arrive trial, booked me in for my section at 39+0. They also wanted me to come in asap with any labor signs…the goal was to avoid labor, since my kiddo...
  10. P

    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    Important disclaimer: we won’t turn FF before 2-2.5 (will do everything to make it to 2.5) no matter what. My son is currently 22 months. We travel by car pretty regularly. Our parents live 2 and 4 hours away, we do a lot in the city an hour away, and we vacation at a cabin 6 hours away several...