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  1. J

    Anyone else not “crave adult interaction”?

    @porven I absolutely feel this. I’m a professional who is too far gone to look back (and can’t for financial reasons), but I get almost 0 personal validation from work. I got a PhD and work my dream job that pays super well and it still does nothing for me and I just think of it as a way to fund...
  2. J

    Has anyone taken two rounds of Misoprostol and it work the second time?

    @jenlo I had 4 pills for each round of miso (I can't remember the dosage of each pill), I took them orally and let them dissolve under my tongue for 30 mins. I was given 4 initial pills, then my doctor followed up with me 2 days later, when I described my experience he prescribed me 4 more...
  3. J

    Has anyone taken two rounds of Misoprostol and it work the second time?

    @jenlo I did two rounds of miso and everything passed on the second round! My MMC was confirmed around 9 weeks, baby was measuring 6 weeks.