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  1. C

    I’m OAD, hubby isn’t and that’s okay

    @jamesmason10 Same. And I’m the only one who does nights and our kid is 2 and still up 1-4 times a night so I sleep with little one to maximise everyone’s sleep. Then husband says he’s tired, I’m like from what? Sleeping 8 hours straight?
  2. C

    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @jcthesword Hmm that’s a good hypothesis!
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    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @jcthesword Just spitballing, could a stressed mother create a more hostile environment which favors XX offspring? I read somewhere that X sperm can survive more hostile environments than Y sperm.
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    "HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"

    @katrina2017 My bub was in hospital for 33 days (born 2 months early) so pumping 30mL wasn’t enough to keep up with his tube feeds, then later they would top him up via the tube with what I pumped after I breastfed him.
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    "HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"

    @davey_0373 That was from the LC’s as well! I’ve found a great LC now. I recommend her to everyone.
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    "HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"

    @snowymtn Ahh this. The more I learn about breastfeeding the worse I feel about how I was treated while bub was in hospital. I could only pump around 30mL total per session and was told that’s not enough, I have an under supply, I should be getting 100mL per session. But my baby has been...