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  1. T

    6 weeks old, and I’m ready to crumple

    @griffin71 You're deep in the trenches, I promise you this will not last forever. I remember some nights around that age when nothing would get my son back to sleep in the middle of the night. I wore myself to a frazzle trying to get him to fall asleep. If I could go back in time I would tell...
  2. T

    If a parent misses a visit does he make up for it next the weekend?

    @junipermints Ok, in that case then it's completely on him to step up and be a parent. It's fair enough if every now and then he needs to reschedule and doesn't end up seeing her for a month but to do it on the regular and make no effort to include her prescheduled activities if they overlap...
  3. T

    If a parent misses a visit does he make up for it next the weekend?

    @junipermints Can he not just come to the sports day? I don't understand why her having sports day means he had to forgo his weekend as scheduled, surely he would just take her to and from sports day and work his plans with her around that. To answer your question though, in short no, if I am...
  4. T

    Am I overreacting

    @tsomnlie For some comparison, my son (2) fell and hit his head at his Granny's/Dads a few weeks ago, he split his head open just at the base of his eyebrow and needed to have the wound glued shut. His Dad brought him directly to urgent care and messaged me while there to tell me the situation...
  5. T

    Am I overreacting

    @tsomnlie No you're no overreacting at all! If I was you I'd work with whoever from CPS spoke with you and make it as crystal clear as you possibly can that this injury happened on Dads time, that he refused to declare or admit what had happened, even after if was slowing your ability to get him...