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  1. R

    Postpartum running

    @dudgurqkqh Have you read this yet? It’s the only existing peer reviewed journal article about returning to exercise after birth and...
  2. R

    A/B Testing: My experience with Vaginal vs. Scheduled C Section

    @mzsky Thank you so much for this post! Of the two, which would you do again? Could you please clarify if the prolapse was a result of the vaginal delivery, or just something that happened to occur with that pregnancy?
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    Doc Says Don’t Go Over 140?

    @ruella As others have said, this is nonsense advice from your doc. Since you will probably need a PT during recovery, you should contact one now! They can tell you what you need to know, help you with your pelvic floor, and assess your ab separation as it happens. With a doc giving bad and...
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    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @trandraskell Also like, what was that lady going to do if she got called in for her own appointment? Take the kid with her and make the mother wait for it to finish? Pass him off on someone else? Go interrupt J’s appointment to return him?