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    For a split second, I thought my 4 y/o was gonna get my ass kicked today

    @nicolakirwan Lolol maybe if you're white. No offense at all (to you) but as a brown person, 99 percent of them being big softies has not been my experience.
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    @holypath Like does she not know adoption is an option? That you can't replace your child with another? That you probably wouldn't be thinking of going through pregnancy and labor when you are grieving your dead fucking child? What the actual fuck? I would have lost my ever loving shit
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    @holypath 30F go to the appointment with answers to all the shit they'll ask. Yes, you've considered long term BC, you'd rather have this. Yes, you know you're at the top end of the "regret" issue (women between 20 and 30 I think are likely to regret it) but you have thought this over and will...