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  1. J

    My husband and I just got a call after my 14 m.o. daughters’ first week at a new daycare…

    @daleksteve For a home daycare or even a good center that’s high and I live in a HCOL (we were quoted 350-450 a week for infants, rates decreasing as they aged). It may be cheaper to get a nanny at that cost.
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    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @plope132 You can also buy the glucose monitor and blood strips/needles yourself, and test yourself at home for a few weeks, but please note that what works/is stable now, may not be the same in a few weeks. With that in mind, I think you just need to take the test, and stop focusing on the...
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    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @plope132 Are you taking the 3 hour test? If not, so that, or ask to monitor blood sugar from home for a week. /r/gestationaldiabetes is a great resource too. I was low to moderate on carbs, and failed both tests. I tried to blame the carbs, but home testing proved the tests were accurate. I...
  4. J

    I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

    @sachin0990 Good for you for doing the best thing for your baby. Just let the nurse and doctor know that you’re behind on vaccines and want to catch up and they’ll give you your catch-up schedule. You can even let the person scheduling know so that the doctor comes prepared with your schedule...
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    Apparently I should battle w/ my husband to name our baby

    @nicinc Lol, this was us. I had strong feelings about my daughter's name, and we worked hard to compromise. But I honestly was totally fine with the name my husband proposed for our son. It's a cute name, will work well into adulthood, and has a family history to it. So no battle there, just a...
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    Help with sleep training

    @faye58 Their guides have been SUPER helpful. We use the basic parameters their example schedules give and it’s been really successful.