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  1. S

    Just need to write it out

    @eeeindia Glad that the HSG helped get things going for you! I’ve not had any testing or procedures done. I’m doing basic tracking with OPK but not BBT, but my periods are SO regular, as soon as I got off the pill, that I’ve been assuming I am ovulating. But it’ll be good to at least check...
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    Just need to write it out

    @eeeindia I made a whole post talking about my life, you hardly need to apologise for that! It’s been really good hearing other people going through the same thing. Of my friends with babies only one had issues, but her issues were very bad (ivf, 25 week birth, 3 months NICU, multiple...
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    TTC Newbie

    @williamk I’d like an invite - coming off birth control in 8 weeks 😬
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    Just need to write it out

    @sparow Oh the holiday thing is difficult. We booked a trip to the UK for a wedding right when we started trying. And the “I’ll be very pregnant” became “it’ll be nice to tell everyone in person” became “I can drink the champagne”. So many vague plans just never eventuate.
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    Just need to write it out

    @barry56 Thank you! So close now! The first few months I read quite a lot of books about conceiving, though avoided pregnancy books themselves. But now I just need to not be on that space at all for my own mental health 😞
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    Just need to write it out

    @lupacexi While I wasn’t a bridesmaid, I delayed getting a dress for my cousins wedding to the last minute because MAYBE I’d not fit it by then. Totally get that! (And then the airline lost our luggage, and had to go dress shopping while horribly jet lagged anyway lol). I don’t anyone knows the...
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    Just need to write it out

    @marysffas Sorry to hear you’ve got your period too. Mine arrived literally just before I got in bed last night and I proceeded to cry on my partner. Luckily reddit is 90% of my social media, with a sprinkling of Pinterest which if nothing else is quite easy to manipulate the algorithm. Oh and...
  8. S

    Just need to write it out

    @nncsmth I’m going to the doctor in a couple of weeks once my paper is turned in. Suspect I’ll be told I need to wait till the 12 month mark, but my partner turns 40 in March, and we potentially need a referral by then if we want it to be funded under the public system, so I really want to know...
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    Just need to write it out

    @peter95faith Thank you! Can’t believe it’s almost done! In one respect with TTC I’m very lucky - my periods are VERY regular. So I never really get a chance to convince myself it’s late. Small comforts
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    Just need to write it out

    @elementalstyle Yeah, that’s how I feel. Like I’m devastated my period started, but also…I fully expected to not be pregnant anyway.
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    Just need to write it out

    @fsblisschild I talk to my mum as well. She had to take clomid for her first pregnancy so she does get it. The sad and lonely is the main reason I wrote the post though. It’s nice to know other people are going through the same ❤️
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    Just need to write it out

    @tzipora My SIL (whom I love dearly) got pregnant first try with both babies 🙃 I’m very glad that they were done with kids by the time I started trying
  13. S

    Just need to write it out

    I’ve just got my period again and have now been trying for 8 months. And while I didn’t expect it to be quick, I wasn’t really expecting it to take this long either. And apparently 8 months is my limit of being able to just brush it off - this is the first time I’ve really cried over my period...