Just need to write it out

@shannonhartwell24 Hey your feelings of dread and disappointment are valid too! Very valid! It must be tough. It's a 2 edged thing rly. On one hand, I get comforted by the thought that my body has the ability to get pregnant , on the other of cos it's the fact that there is no real baby yet. I sincerely hope you get your what u want very soon!
@shannonhartwell24 I relate to so much that has been shared here and it was so helpful to read. This last cycle hit me so hard, I think I cried for two days straight. I'm in the middle of cycle 7 right now and, for the first time, I'm feeling the depression and apathy even right in the middle of my fertile week when I'm normally at my most hopeful. Sending so much love to everyone on this thread. We're in it together.
@shannonhartwell24 Just entering our 8th month trying as well and it seems considerably harder now than previous months. I 100% feel what you’re feeling! I now automatically shut down any future planning or baby-related dreams because I find it hurts too much. I never expected it to take this long or be so emotionally draining.
@shannonhartwell24 I'm so sorry lovely. I felt exactly like that last month. Today I got my period and this month is not so bad, but I'm worried it'll hit me in a few days. Especially going on a work trip with a pregnant colleague soon :/ hugs to you, I hope things turn around soon xx
@shannonhartwell24 I broke down at the 10 month mark. I cried and slept for an entire two days. We’re on cycle 13 and admittedly I’ve stopped hoping and I’m not optimistic anymore which has helped me cope. I keep telling myself that one day I’ll be past this, I just can’t control when.
@shannonhartwell24 I would prioritize that. Sometimes it can be an easy fix like a medication to correct your blood work. I’ve been in the same boat not able to conceive for almost a year. In our case we learnt that because of motility issues my partner had, natural way was out of the question for us. But having that information we are now parents. best of luck to you 🍀 everybody’s journey is different but it is worth it.
@shannonhartwell24 I can sympathize. I turned 30 last week. When my husband and I started trying for a baby a little over a year ago, I truly thought I’d be celebrating my 30th with a baby on my hip. But here we are, still trying. Month 8 was also when things started to get really tough for me. I’ve been on clomid for the last 4 months (50mg), I go in for monthly ultrasounds and bloodwork, and I’ve had an HSG. We’re starting to look into fertility clinics now, as things don’t really seem to be helping and my current OB/GYN is causing us a lot of stress.

TTC can be so isolating..hang in there and try not to get lost in the process. Please know you are not alone in your journey!!