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  1. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @vl32 This! Similars ages too - I definitely felt less stress knowing before our baby that if we got pregnant even without planning it we’d be ok with it but it’s a different story know that she’s here. Stakes are MUCH higher.
  2. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @savedthroughgrace That’s been a similar thought I’ve had is 38ish - I’m 34 now with my newborn and want to be done for sure once I hit 40. And even tho I feel that we’re OAD it feels right to have some sort of runway to really check in with ourselves on how we feel.
  3. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @2c710 Great advice - and also I’m sorry that you’ve dealt with infertility, miscarriage and health issues, I’m sure that adds a whole other difficult layer to this type of decision. I think I’m going to get an iud and wait it out a bit so we can see how we feel once we’re out of this newborn...
  4. R

    OAD decision timeline

    Oh man such a good thing for me to think about - how I would feel with a pregnancy scare. I’m 35 this year too and I’m with you, plenty of people have enjoyable/healthy pregnancies over 35 but my pregnancy at 34 was very tough and the idea of going through a pregnancy as hard or harder seems...
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    OAD decision timeline

    @ericguitarman Yeah mental health and finances are a huge part of the decision for me too. I want to be able to provide the best emotional and financial support I can to my kid because neither of my parents could.
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    OAD decision timeline

    @lexidoll3 I’m really looking forward to the 6 month stage everyone says they are so cute and things level out a bit. Yeah I think because we were really either going to have one kid or no kids and never had multiples on the table we’ll stay the course in this decision. I guess I also don’t...
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    OAD decision timeline

    @megannovybaker Interesting! I guess the decision on how to prevent has been made for you then
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    Will I ever sleep again? 🫠

    @exicon Ugh feel this - I have a one month old and I’m really struggling with the lack of sleep. Feels like I’ll never sleep again and I am such a zombie. I’m worried this will be how I have to function for a long time and I won’t be able to sustain the BF. Feels really defeating.
  9. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @ronaldus Such a a good point and great advice! For many people multiple kiddos and pregnancies is such an enjoyable thing and what is right for them, I just don’t think that’s the path for us. Nice to connect with others who can relate. Thanks for the advice!
  10. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @catqueen Thank you for sharing - this is one of the reasons we’ve discussed him getting the procedure sooner than later - so that I don’t romanticize or forget how incredibly hard my pregnancy was. I had hyperemesis gravidarum and it was terrible. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worse enemy...
  11. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @chrissygerzen That’s kind of what we’ve thought is a 2-4 year timeline. I’m probably going to have to suck it up and get one last iud.
  12. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @scientartist I love that! I’m definitely going to use that response!!
  13. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @scientartist I can’t wait for him to get one cuz I am 34 and have been on some form of hormonal birth control since I was like 16 and I’m over it. Also with you on the anxiety around it, I just don’t want to constantly worry about the chance it could fail. Reading these comments has me...
  14. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @soosh8005 I bet you really take the time to interact and play with your kid now as a result and that they will get to have the opposite experience because you’ve made this a priority!
  15. R

    OAD decision timeline

    @soosh8005 Such a good point. Your comment makes me think a lot too about making sure we don’t have an accidental pregnancy because it could cause resentment towards a kid that I’d hate to feel. Thank you!
  16. R

    OAD decision timeline

    I have an 8 week old and my husband and I always felt we’d be OAD. We still feel this way, however given it took us a long time to decide to have one, we’ve discussed setting up a final decision timeline so we have some space outside of this newborn/baby phase to pull the plug (aka schedule his...