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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    @jayfrost123 Yep
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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    @christian99 Breastfeeding means mum has to eat dairy free. Bottles mean special formula on prescription. We do both. Rash has improved but not gone, which makes me think it may not be this anyway (but we continue with dairy free).
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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    @dekaewaii Same situation for us with the birth. And he has no bowel problems, just this skin rash that comes and goes
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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    @the_precious_one Yeah we did BioGaia when he was younger too, but also could have just grown out of his (presumed) stomach issues
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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    @elizabeda777 Thanks for all the info. In summary, and just like I thought might be the case, evidence for and against, so unclear. What I would say though is that it seems there wouldn’t be any harmful effects of trying it, so may as well give it a shot
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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    My little one is already 7 months old. He has a skin rash which could or could not be a cow milk protein allergy. We’ve been recommended by a pharmacy that we give him a type of biotic mix, but I’m sceptical (by nature!). I understand there’s been increasing interest in research looking into...