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  1. C

    Gun violence

    @j90 If my child dies, I’m not going to be the same person afterwards. I might not even want to exist. I’ve seen what happens to families who lose a child, and the parents still have to keep on going for the other kiddos. It’s so sad. They’re not the same anymore and the remaining kiddos have...
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    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    @jwesley Would not do this, personally.
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    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @holyspiritleads2truth Not trying to do it all while I’ve got a toddler lol That’s the secret. Im also am not someone that is militant about cleaning and keeping everything spotless (my bff is and she has 3 kids and stays up until midnight to clean everything every night. That’s just her preference)
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    Who here has a mediocre relationship with their sibling(s)?

    @faithlovehope15 Wow your poor mom.
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    23f cannot wait to start a family (hoping to start TTC this year)

    @sam81 Get married before you TTC for the legal benefits at least.
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    My baby is 3 months old, how much harder does it get??

    @nate71 It depends on your baby. I know it’s a non-answer but it’s true. The baby stage was THE hardest for us - but other stages have their own challenges. (Walking, teething, eating real food, separation anxiety, illnesses, sleep regressions, etc). 3yo is currently my favorite and so far...
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    Toddler screams and cries at daycare for an hour before passing out from exhaustion

    @likim Sounds tough. Hopefully it’s just an adjustment period. My daughter would absolutely not be ok with dogs in the house and barking. And she’s 3.5 yo. She hates loud noises and doesn’t like dogs though.
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @mh86 Pretty typical and shitty in corporate, unfortunately. At least at all the places I worked at. Just another way for a company to say that they’re ok with penalizing women for having a uterus and using the family planning benefits that they’re entitled to.