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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @pastorchrisparker Oh, wow! that’s so cool!! If the day comes and you’re a mom, you’re gonna do great. You clearly love your future kids so much already and that’s what’s most important. 💜
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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @pastorchrisparker I felt like crap forever about having to formula feed, but this clip from Adam Ruins Everything and the podcast that goes along with the episode really shines light onto how this whole debate started and why it shouldn’t even be a debate! (Sorry, on mobile and forgot how to...
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    pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

    @potluck45 I held my baby or laid next to her for many, many naps. My baby is now 15 months and refuses to let me hold her for naps. I miss it. There will always be time to clean, they’re only little for but so long. Why do people insist that being a supportive, loving parent is bad? You’re...
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    Struggling with your baby wrap? Maybe this will help!

    @thomas15 This video really helped me with my boba wrap my daughter was about 8 weeks old and I finally got brave enough to try.
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    pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

    @lisarebecca Don’t listen to her. First of all, skin to skin is great for any baby, especially one born early. And second of all, I held my baby to nap and she naturally transitioned away from it as she started walking and becoming more independent. This whole post got me missing when she was...
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    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @zofran Sorry for the novel. Tl:dr: you’re a good mom who deserves a break and your kid will be great on EFF - from experience 4 years out. I can’t address the how to as my milk literally never came in. No amount of pumping helped and we were EFF by like 1 or 2 weeks old, somewhere in there...