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  1. L

    My bf broke my heart last night… gutted this NYE

    @jezza Go enjoy your time with your family and figure out how to leave your bf. It’s tough, I left right after giving birth (it was extremely traumatic so saying “I left” is a very simplified way to put it. It starts out tough but gets much better. My daughter is 20 months, we’ve traveled by...
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    Ex illegally evicted us, yet wants custody

    @parodyofjay I went through a VERY similar situation. Ex went on a trip out of the country while I was staying with my parents to recover from giving birth. I had a dental apt so I drove back to our house (renting) and he had changed the locks. I called a locksmith and took the next two weeks to...
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    A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

    @vclr2010 I would have reported with a quickness
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    I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

    @sachin0990 Most doctors just want kids vaccinated so they shouldn’t shame you. Nurses are different though, I feel like their ability to hide judgement is not nearly that of a doctor’s. Be upfront and honest. Just say you changed your mind on vaccines and want to get caught up. They’ll be glad...
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    It’s official… I was let go from my job yesterday, 7 months pregnant

    @robertjjones I would take this as a blessing in disguise because it really sounds like you have a great pregnancy discrimination case. If you haven’t contacted an employment attorney do so now. Go ahead and pursue it, use the energy you were expending at work on this case. Also see if you...
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    I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

    @yazzy I had extreme scatter brain in the early days of motherhood and I missed one of my baby’s apts which put us a month behind schedule for all future apts. Then at another apt I showed up the next day instead of the day of. Shit indeed happens
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    Going through it

    @jillianforjesus File form 3949A with the IRS for tax evasion. Family court May not GAF but the IRS does not play about their money. You can even get a chunk of it for reporting. It’s very easy to fill out
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    New parent tip from pediatrician

    @petercm This! I just go with the flow and this is her flow. I think if I tried to force anything else, I would go crazy. I gave up counting time between feedings after I got back home from the hospital. My ADHD is would not allow it. I feed on demand and let her fall asleep when she wants...