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  1. M

    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @brandon_d I didn’t start pumping until maybe 8 weeks. I also was only getting ~0.5-1.5oz. It’s sooo discouraging. And I was never finding a good time and felt like pumping took milk from my always hungry baby, because she’d really fuss if she needed on the boob right after. The other thing is...
  2. M

    Any bike commuting moms here?

    @chosen_1 Ok wait. We need info. You biked to the hospital, because you work there and not because you were going into labor, right? 😅 you are super woman if you meant the latter!
  3. M

    Frustrated AND TIRED

    @irefusetofail If you normally put down at 12:30 when they wake at 10:30, I’d put down at 12 if waking at 10. But it sounds like maybe 10 is pushing it too long for the first wake time if she’s only napping 30 min and fussy upon waking. ETA this user and her posts have taught me SO much. She...
  4. M

    Frustrated AND TIRED

    @irefusetofail If she’s waking up fussy, I would definitely not stretch her to a specific time and stick with your next wake window length. You’ll only compound the crap naps making her overtired. Trust me! I’m no expert, but I’ve tried everything to get my 7mo’s wake windows figured out...