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  1. J

    Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

    @jerzy12 that sounds like a feast!
  2. J

    MFM Consult, Level 2 Ultrasound, Fibroids Fine, MTHFR is a nonissue?

    @littlemelittleu2 it is! actually looks pretty baby-like! Mine did (at 8+5) on the screen for like a nano second, then it was a blob again XD
  3. J

    MFM Consult, Level 2 Ultrasound, Fibroids Fine, MTHFR is a nonissue?

    @littlemelittleu2 Sounds like a great doctor, and what a cute jelly bean! :)
  4. J

    Baby V is a healthy... [18+3 Anatomy Scan!]

    @littlemelittleu2 Congrats on the healthy baby :) Mine was lying exactly like that too at the last scan, looked so weird!
  5. J

    Baby J has arrived! Birth Story to Follow

    @soldier4ujesus YAY!!! Congrats!