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  1. J

    Night fussiness

    @woot Yes baby automatically wakes about every 2hrs during the day, so that’s when I give food. At night mostly the same, sometimes baby will go 3-4 hours. Last night did a 5 hr stretch at night of sleep.
  2. J

    Night fussiness

    @louiser Ohh thank you so much, I feel more relieved 🫶🫶🫶
  3. J

    Night fussiness

    @memmorec Ohh okay, yeah I think sometimes baby is just not sleeping well during the day, I’ll keep an eye out on when more tired or needs to rest a bit more. Baby slept 5 hr last night so that was a first. But I do feel like either really tired n just won’t settle n sleep as fast or baby wants...
  4. J

    Night fussiness

    Baby is 2 weeks old, during the day sleeps every 2-3 hours sometimes will sleep 4 hours, eats about 2-3 oz each time wakes up. Not really fussy or anything just the normal baby stuff. Once night happens it’s like different baby, will fuss and cry for a few hours until eventually calms down and...
  5. J

    C Section Recovery SUCCESS

    @rahel3 Very happy for you ! And congratulations on your baby! I wish this was the case for me, baby born a bit shy of 37wks, had to have c section 😞. I try to be gentle with myself and say I just had a baby but honestly I also just had major abdominal surgery!!! It’s Been 4 days , I walk like...