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  1. P

    Babyzen Yoyo with a newborn bassinet as the only stroller?

    @johnnow The Yoyo is a freaking tank while also being incredibly light and portable. You can literally use the shoulder strap and it’s lighter than my mom’s mega purse. We put MILES on that thing while living in the middle of a city in Southeast Asia. Streets were rough, we didn’t have a car...
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    Should I have another?

    @katie_hannah Have you checked out the sub r/twoandthrough for comments? It’s not a super active sub but I found it helpful when fencesitting. I agree with the other comment- sounds like you guys are really wanting another and you’re just feeling scared which is totally normal. I’m one of four...
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    Suggestions for strollers for tall parents!

    @jarno We have a BOB running stroller, the one with the adjustable handle. It’s a bit bulky for an every day stroller, but if you have the room then 10/10 recommend. I’m 6’ and the rest of my family is taller than me and they all love it. Including my 6’6 brother. For a smaller footprint (like...
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    Can’t decide if I want another

    @brokertom Info- have you done the research on adoption, and specifically infant adoption if that’s what you (or your husband, since you said he wants a baby) want, for your country? In the US, it can take tens of thousands of dollars, years of waiting, and having the biological mom change...
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    Is it madness to have another baby at 42-43?

    @johnl1153 My good friend is pregnant w her second at 43, had her first at 40. I had my first at 37, now 40 next month and trying for a second.
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    Here's a laugh! Apparently my 8 month old is a "typical only child"

    @4evrhis Pro tip: dress your son in pink so strangers can gush over what a precious baby girl you have. Then you can get them really worked up by saying thanks, it’s a boy 😂
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    Weight gain

    @dogwoodtree Metabolism doesn’t actually slow and have the big impact people think it does. You could have some blood work done, just to rule out any underlying medical condition, but it’s also just as likely to be diet-related. Good luck!
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    Should we have #2 at 40M/37F with a 7 year old?

    @treadstone Why would your wife have to be a SAHM if she doesn’t like it? Seems silly, especially because you said you can afford childcare. Aside from that, maybe check out r/happilyOAD where people embrace all the wonderful things there are about being OAD.
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    27 week update

    @jeanniecheek This helps to provide a possible perspective going forward! I’m almost 20 weeks and mostly still at normal levels. I’ve had to stop most single-leg exercises like lunges because of pelvic girdle pain, but pt and a chiro are helping! We did a 12 mile hike and rock scramble this...
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    Positive Parenting Subreddit

    @byastian I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS IDEA!!!!! We have r/happilyOAD but for parents with more than one, it doesn’t quite work lol. Love love love love this!!! Thank you!!!
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    Breech baby, planned C Section, any benefits of going into labor before C Section?

    @tracyqueen I’m so glad to see your comment. I was coming to share my family experience with that, and it’s TW all around. Best of luck to you!
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    Exploring the idea of OAD

    @rainbow42 You could decide now that you’re OAD, and you’ll revisit your decision in 12 months. And then decide X at 12 months, with the option to revisit at (6-12 months). For me, we went through five years of hell and fertility treatments and four losses before conceiving little guy on our...
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    4-5 weeks pregnant and bleeding

    @jrlthinks It could be bad but it could also be an SCH. Some studies show progesterone supplement and bed rest can maybe help to heal it. Worth another call to your dr as I think it’d be diagnosable on an internal ultrasound.
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    HCG not doubling

    @triceratops Wishing you all the best. I’ll keep everything crossed for you!
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @oxid Right after that post came one with ABA in the title, no explanation in the post, and the comments were alphabet soup. I thought FF was formula fed.
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    HCG not doubling

    @triceratops Yeah, that’s it and it’s where it should be- below 2.5. I really hope you have a better outcome this time. I’m so sorry you’re going through all this :(
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    HCG not doubling

    @triceratops That sounds similar to when I had a blighted ovum pregnancy, I’m sorry. Have you had your thyroid tested to make sure it’s below 2.5? Not just in the normal range, but in that much lower range needed to get and stay pregnant? Asking as I had four losses and unexplained infertility...