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  1. L

    Why, child? Just. Why?

    @bible2 Ours began to pick on each other long before they could speak. 8 years in and no sign of stopping.
  2. L

    Husband called me the c word and says I’m not being a wife

    @aelfex He lost respect for YOU? HE. lost respect for YOU????? Because you told him that with a newborn medically fragile baby that he needed to support the life he helped bring into the world???? How does he find the strength to carry those giant brass balls all day long?! Because, the...
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    Tips for cleanup after eating that isn’t a dog

    @faye58 If the weather cooperates, I was a big fan of the picnic lunch. I’d throw the highchairs out on the patio and dine al fresco. Let the birds, mice, and neighborhood cats clean up the mess.
  4. L

    My little secret ;)

    @samofgerald I don’t see any problem with it if the temperature is ok. When my twins were babies, they both fell asleep in the car. I was so exhausted that when we pulled into the garage, I put my seat back and joined them. We all got an amazing 30-40 minute glorious nap.