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    Doc Says Don’t Go Over 140?

    @ruella Yup my doctor said to do a 7/10 perceived exertion and to make sure I could still talk.
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    Have any of you gotten fit *during* your pregnancy?

    @vanillasunflowers I also used a pelvic floor physical therapist through Origin (in a bunch of cities I believe?) and she watched my form on the squats and deadlifts, in addition to helping me do anti-coning ab work like Squeeze the Baby. My SIL gave herself REALLY BAD diastasis recti by going...
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    Have any of you gotten fit *during* your pregnancy?

    @vanillasunflowers I’m only 24w but I have definitely used the pregnancy as a time to gain strength. GRANTED, I was a typical cardio bunny stereotype prior (like doing 3 lb Peloton Lightweight Arms classes). 🤣 So, really I had nowhere to go but up. I’m now doing 12x3 sets of tricep kickbacks...