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    Night time diaper recommendation for a 6-8 hrs sleeping baby

    @brad0037 I use workhorses but have to add additional doublers etc. at different ages. For a more “one stop” diaper I have bububebe sleepytime fitteds. I don’t need anything extra (except a cover)
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    Prefolds for newborns

    @shabach67 You don’t have to wrap them around, just padfold them they will still absorb everything Idk what exact size they are but I prefer GMD Nicki’s bamboo ones were rather large, although still prefer GMD
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    When do you have appointments for yourself??

    @barry61 Dentist I do on Saturday’s and have them auto book me for every six months on a Saturday. Otherwise it’s booked out like 4 months in advance. Doctor I take my kids with me 🤷‍♀️
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    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @jobob_0 Lol idk what part of my post made you think that, but no I did not “give him an ultimatum”
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    Is 3 almost easier?

    @morgannicole555 Even though 2-3 was the easiest transition, 3 is not easy I have 6, 4.5, and 2 and loving it. It is a lot easier when you have at least 1 in school. If we have 4, we will wait until the olders are in elementary and #3 has started preschool.
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    Poo smell? Grovia O.N.E

    @ageofreason2014 Vinegar is an acid and eats away at rubber which is why it is not recommended with modern diapers — because of the effect on the elastic Fine to use with non-elastic diapers like flats or inserts
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    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @esta25 No, sorry was unclear. He has S/S off he’s just over it by Sunday. He doesn’t want to do any activities, small or large. I gave bad examples. Park is a no, hike is a no, out to eat is a no. I could plan them and he would complain or begrudgingly go along, but honestly at that point I’d...
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    Am I too granola for crocs for my 2.5 yo?

    @ellyflowers I do your original thought — I buy used Natives on Mercari. You can’t beat the waterproof-ness, and ability to clean, especially considering sand and such. I also like they can put them on by themselves, whereas their merrells I have to put on. Worrying about plastic touching his...
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    Poo smell? Grovia O.N.E

    @anthlee I disagree with PP. Seems like a fine amount of detergent with Tide original powder FWIW this is almost exactly the same as my wash routine and I use a ton of ONEs without issue. I don’t think it’s the hidden microfiber layer that’s an issue. IME it’s the microfiber inserts that come...
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    Poo smell? Grovia O.N.E

    @anthlee What is your wash routine? Were the diapers purchased new or secondhand? Using cloth diapers for a few weeks isn’t typically long enough to know if your wash routine is sufficiently cleaning. My first was routine 5 years ago was horrible but I didn’t notice it failing until about 6...
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    Watching a friends 2 yo in addition to my own 1 & 3 yo

    @wvguy777 I have a 4, almost 3, and 7mo. I think there’s two parts that can make it more difficult — 1. When they’re together. Aka summer. It was a challenge with the 4yo out of preschool. So much screaming and fighting. 2. Depends on temperaments of the kids. My oldest and youngest are pretty...
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    Watching a friends 2 yo in addition to my own 1 & 3 yo

    @texmama Yes to the hardest part being all 3 of them together!!!! Soooo much fighting and screaming 😭
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    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @tzephanyahu I’d blame half on me being too non-confrontational
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    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @melindapurcell Don’t delete! I love the perspective from the other side. It definitely has exacerbated over the last year. Our 2nd born has been a disaster since birth and while we thought most issues would fizzle out with age (poor sleep, communication) they haven’t. The third born has a CHD...
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    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @teenchill Thanks for your response. We don’t have that added family issue, but it sounds a little similar. Our issue to solving most problems is finding help, like caretakers, in a place we’ve only lived a few years (feels shorter bc covid).
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    Where to start???

    @kurret Check out the sidebar, or this graphic is an easy way to compare the different types of diapers.
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    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @sergepb I agree, and agree that my conflict avoidance is an issue and also destroying me
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    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @uniquescreenname I think the problem is he doesn’t have a good grasp on how to care for young children, so he defaults to me for everything and I’m always instructing. So when I tell him he’s being unreasonably angry or yelling too much it’s “just another thing” that “I’m better at”
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    Bulking up an H. E. Washer

    @777qi7 The first cycle is for getting all the stuff off, and hot water can counteract that by somewhat baking on the poop
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    Bulking up an H. E. Washer

    @klewanne IMO the issue would be your wash routine rather than not bulking. Ideally should have 2 full washes, not just a rinse Here’s what I do with Tide F&G powder and soft water (do you know your water hardness?): prewash Line 2 Normal wash Heavy soil Cold/lukewarm...