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  1. S

    F U one liners for more kids

    @mcc873 Personally I like a straight forward approach: -that’s personal and not your business -are you going to pay for childcare? -do you want me to be happy? (What I say when my mom brings it up) -I know my limit and this is enough
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    Taking a Poll

    @johnny1217 10 weeks pp here and Samesies!! I’ve worn jeans once (the baggy and loose fitting ones), I put on makeup once for my husband’s birthday dinner, and I really only put on a bra when I’m leaving the house and will be gone for at least an hour.
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    Taking a Poll

    @kfelger1 I like to do braids too when I have a few minutes to do my hair.
  4. S

    Did any of y’all lose weight AFTER weaning??

    @nith I weaned my first at about 14 months and I didn’t see the last bit of weight start to come off until about 2 years postpartum. The body uses fat to make milk so some women’s bodies will keep some for the supply. I’ve heard some women’s bodies don’t get anything and everything they eat goes...