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  1. J

    Taking a Poll

    @ericaleefrieden Me either. I don’t know if I have an exceptionally alert infant or what but it doesn’t work for us. And I’m far too exhausted at this point to keep trying.
  2. J

    One side or both sides per feeding?

    @songonthewind Same here
  3. J

    Taking a Poll

    @lovemyangel My baby peed EVERYWHERE at the pediatrician for his first weight check 😭 the walls, the floor, on himself and his dad. It was quite an event.
  4. J

    Taking a Poll

    @grace2beme Right there with you
  5. J

    Taking a Poll

    @kfelger1 Very wise! I definitely get matted if I don’t force myself to brush it every day
  6. J

    Taking a Poll

    @g19shooter Nope right there with you lol. Baby comes first and I could not care less what I look like 😂
  7. J

    Taking a Poll

    @g19shooter At 11 weeks I still wear pjs every day and my hair has not left messy bun status except for the day we took newborn photos.