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  1. E

    Does my baby actually know I’m mom?

    @mjh29 Source please. Children around the world are cared for by extended family, the nuclear family and mom as the only caregiver is a relatively western and historically recent phenomenon.
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    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    @okieallday And the lack of mat leave. It's easier to tank a sleepless night if you're not working the next day and can nap throughout the day than if you have to be at a place of employment
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    studies on nature v nurture - all flawed?

    @skip10 Who gives up babies for adoption vs who gets them. If adoption requires extensive background checks and fees to pay in order to adopt, and one of the common reasons for giving a child up for adoption is financial - it has classiest roots for sure but I would say it hasn't escaped those...
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    How do I build a Faraday cage around the bathroom?

    @criley I saw one and it's great having an accountability partner who you're not married to. It takes the burden off your partner while still having someone whose sole job is helping hack ADHD behaviors. It's kinda like therapy, except it's less about feelings and more about actions that work.
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    How do I build a Faraday cage around the bathroom?

    @criley He should see an adhd coach as well as a therapist if he can't manage his time blindness on his own. I am a woman with adhd and I don't hide in the bathroom for an hour, nor does it sound like you do. It's not an inevitability it is a choice after a certain point not to change. I hate...
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    I’m just f%cking tired

    @pencil_on_paper Regarding referring to other dads who do less, I don't get the argument when men try to pull that. Pointing to the gutter doesn't make you a star. Someone else not being an involved dad or equal partner has no bearing on your own relationship. It's a stupid argument for him to...
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    Make your dental appointments

    @katvan1969 You can go to the dentist, for a cleaning - my dentist encouraged me to do so in fact, and if a cavity needs treatment they just use a different freezing agent than they usually do as there is one that's safe for pregnancy. If you're gag reflex is still sensitive they can work...