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    I don’t like my daughter’s friend. And they’re 7

    @bht That hit home, thanks for bringing me full circle on that.
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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @wrath427 I brag about the fun we have, the lack of schedule we adhere to, and their great math skills (number blocks may have helped a little lol)
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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @wrath427 Not much bothers me, but labeling like this, or "boy moms" is borderline unhealthy. What is your 2yo learning that another kid won't learn at home? (What happens when the "boy mom" has another baby that's a girl. Etc etc).
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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @maddleyy Sure thing!
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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @afolabi1024 An interesting and related read here IMO, there's a very important distinction between daycare, pre-k, and early education needs. There's no clear cut need or benefit from teaching more, sooner. If you need daycare/babysitting, then by all means, seek that out. If you find a...