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    How to deal with the dread

    @captainrogers20 Thank you. I will definitely be doing research.
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    How to deal with the dread

    @marky93 That is my thinking too. That it’s just an extra way to keep them safe but I also never want my anxieties to hold them back. It’s totally back and forth with me and probably will be for years.
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    How to deal with the dread

    @ladybee Right? There is a lot I have issues with our current public school system even though I have faith in what the system can be and should be. Our system offers 10 hours of free pre-k so I’m hoping they don’t hold us to full time. Starting the preschool search this spring.
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    How to deal with the dread

    @melekmikayel See and that is my other side that says we just have dangers in this world. That I shouldn’t be overprotective or stop them from doing things they want and are part of healthy development. I’ve heard parents talking about those groups at the library but didn’t want to butt into...
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    How to deal with the dread

    Last night while discussing our day with my husband we got on the subject of school and the future for our right now 3 year old. I have had this plan in my mind for a while now 2 days preschool, 4 days pre-k, then ready for full time kindergarten. Suddenly the dread of not being able to keep...