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  1. P

    TTC is a huge mindf**k!!!

    @katrina2017 Right, but the point of subreddits is to seek support/contribute to discussions with people going through the same experience you are, which is why there are different ones to distinguish between those actively trying and those waiting to try, at least that's how I understood it. I...
  2. P

    2 under 2 with no support?

    @niqhtcore I may be a unicorn here, but I’m a speech pathologist turned SAHM in this season with two girls 26 months apart, no support (husband is very involved but works from home), and it’s been a breeze. I love my daily life with two and we are eager to add a third. I will say my toddlers...
  3. P

    TTC is a huge mindf**k!!!

    @katrina2017 I think if you're not actively trying for a baby the correct sub is /r/waitingtotry
  4. P

    TTC is a huge mindf**k!!!

    @youngman2240 I’m not sure what it means for conception chances :/ My midwife also said the same thing but did recommend I wait two months (we waited one) so maybe it does have an impact! My guess is the uterine lining builds up differently without the iud in there so our bodies are finding a...
  5. P

    TTC is a huge mindf**k!!!

    @youngman2240 Yes mine changed too! On the iud mine were always 29 days and 6-7 day pretty heavy periods with cramping (not terrible but noticeable). I’ve had two periods since getting it out, one was 4 days the other 3, both light and minimal cramps on day 2. My last two cycles were both 31/30...
  6. P

    TTC is a huge mindf**k!!!

    @jrumsticks I totally relate! I got my paragard out end of June after 8 years. What's wild to me is how quickly my mind was ALL IN. I was so, so sad when our first cycle didn't work and I wasn't really prepared for that, and it's been a rollercoaster this cycle too. I went from not wanting it...
  7. P

    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @laurie4321 This isn’t normal. While 3 year olds definitely have tantrums and meltdowns and that’s developmentally appropriate, their behavior shouldn’t be this unpredictable and they should be able to somewhat regulate their emotions with support. Could it be that he’s not ready for potty...
  8. P

    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @laurie4321 This level of routine aggression does not sound typical for a 3 year old. I would have him evaluated and also do whatever you need to do to stop the cycle of biting and yelling - that reaction may be what he is seeking. If you know he is escalating to aggression, do not put yourself...
  9. P

    Anyone else have a giant baby?

    @washedinhisblood That’s normal, babies cluster feed constantly the first 8-12 weeks to establish supply. Your supply would have regulated to his needs.
  10. P

    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @vivian56 So wait until she has calmed down and explain again. This is akin to “she cries whenever I say no to a toy so I buy her a toy every time she cries”
  11. P

    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @theflowerswillflourish 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  12. P

    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @vivian56 That’s complacency then, you can’t expect a behavior change from your child if you aren’t willing to change your own behavior. You’re enabling this, so hold the boundary until she learns and then move on. It may cost a few nights of longer time awake but you’re not helping your child...
  13. P

    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @pastorchrisonline Came here to say this. I always see posts like this and don’t get it. Bodily autonomy boundaries are so important to teach and hold firm with children, for themselves and for us. It’s doing a child a disservice to let them touch you in a way that is uncomfortable or unpleasant...