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    Pet Peeve On These Parenting Reddits..

    @hailee All of that is easily googleable though. Just look up the book. Goodreads will have all of that, even the book jacket will have a good deal. I don’t think it’s asking much to expect people to put in at least some effort when asking others for help. I see this quite a bit in my day job...
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    Pet Peeve On These Parenting Reddits..

    @jsphalford11 I think you already hit on it- time. We’re asking people to give their time and energy to help us. The bulk of responders likely don’t have the time or mental energy to write out specific advice and the context of why they’re giving it, how/why it works, etc. so directing others to...
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    Does due date change at 20 week scan?

    @groundskeeper I think this will really depend on your doctor. I measured more than a week ahead at mine and the date was not changed. My office doesn’t change them without significant compelling evidence the original was wrong.
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    a question of entitlement

    @kezia I think both parents are at fault as described. The story shows no communication from either party. Parent B should be more aware and proactive, and Parent A should be upfront about what they need instead of waiting until Parent B is out the door and going on the attack.