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  1. J

    washing non-organic produce

    @findingmywayback Washing fruits two times with different things is something I most definitely do not have time or energy to do with a full time job and two kids under 4
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    washing non-organic produce

    @blair14 Hear hear. An awful lot of non-science science touted as truth.
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    What to do when best is impossible (Emily Oster)

    @grace4nan This 1000%. I’ve taken “breaks” from a lot of parenting subs with all of these parents who apparently have perfect kids who eat perfect meals and face backwards until they’re 5 and have slept independently since 6 months with never a night of bedsharing. Life is messy and happens in...
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    I am team crib til college. Change my mind

    @savedthroughgrace With you! We transitioned at 18 months to a floor style bed with our daughter and she just goes with it now. I never worry about her in her room. The freedom is just the norm! She’s 2.5 now and we just switched to a twin bed and it’s been so easy.
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @runaway887 Agree 100%. I got banned there for similar comments.
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    Nonstop Begging

    @salimpu Dr. Siggie on IG has some really great “scripts” around holding those tough boundaries.