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    Help: WFH while pregnant w/ 2

    @lishanaidoo I was able to use my recliner (although I was sitting pretty upright, it was mostly about being able to put my feet up), and I spent about half of the day there with my laptop on a tray and the other half at my desk sitting on a yoga ball instead of my chair.
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    What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

    @frank3 Because infertility is sad, and so people are curious but when they are actually faced with it they don't know what to say. I'm estranged from my sister because she was so horribly insensitive throughout the process that I'm not ready to forgive her.
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    What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

    @drewzz People ask me that all the time. Mine were IVF after years of infertility and miscarriages so I tell the truth and watch people get super uncomfortable.
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    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @matt97 Thanks for the call out on the "natural" phrasing. So many multiple births are C-sections and most of them for reasons beyond our control so it's a little tone deaf especially here.
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    Preeclampsia and 34 Week Di/Di Twin Boys

    @codymcg I delivered at 34+5 (not for pre-e). My twins were estimated smaller than your wife's at 34w and came out smaller than estimated. They were in the NICU for 8 days. First had low blood sugar which resolved, then basically needed to learn to eat and stop losing weight. Their bilirubin was...
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    Husband running a 2 day race a month after I’m due

    @yuliza I’d be less concerned about the race itself and more about the training leading up to it. How much time is he going to dedicate to that while you are super pregnant and immediately postpartum? He’s going to be hitting peak mileage as you are likely to go into labor.