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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @wren84 Hahaha open milk buffet :) love that.
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @clarinetscore I also feel Like so many pediatricians go from One spectrum to the other and have all different opinions
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @wren84 Okay. Because my pediatrician lady told me. I should ONLY feed ONE time when she wakes up and the second time only soothe her with a pacifier. But I swear my child IS HUNGRY.
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @teluvsjesus She has been sleeping in her crib and room Ever since 7 weeks ? I Just could not handle the LOUD noises anymore. I got massive anxiety she’ll suffocate listening to them. It was for the best. But good to know maybe one of the feeds will soon drop out. Even if not, I don’t think...
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @clarinetscore Sounds good. My LO is so interested in foods. That soon she’ll be 6 months. I will slowly Introduce food for fun and play around with it. Like every bite I take she’s watching and opening her mouth and copying me basically. So I assume weaning will start soon slowly of course...
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @clarinetscore I feel the distracted part lately A LOT
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @crafty Thank you ‘ appreciate this so Much
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @allfleshisasgrass He has like way too much coffee in my opinion haha 😂and I like to sleep :D but he’s I get that though. Where I’m an early bird catches the worm kinda person he’s the night owl and very crabby in the mornings
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @allfleshisasgrass Okay that post of mine was obviously not meant to trash my husband. He does his fair share of part in taking care of me/ our child/ our house etc. I jaut don’t have enough energy for more than the essentials right now. That’s all I meant
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @grace1102 I go to bed when LO goes to bed. So my husband feels like he’s been put aside. But I’m Like. Well I need sleep hahahahaha
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @weeunc Mine is 4 adjusted too. Yes. Only two. Bad nights might be 3?
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @dori777 Makes sense
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @dori777 What do you mean with night weaning ? What did you do then ?
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @tomr How did you the the wake up for once a night ? So I can around the same age try that ! For now it doesn’t bother me. But I guess I’d be happy if there’s one wake up down the road lol
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    When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

    @fschmidt Ughhh sorry 😞
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @phoenixrisinggirl17 Oh last night was for sleeping action. She fell asleep at 6:30pm. Woke up for a feed at midnight. But then woke up again at 1 am I knew she wasn’t hungry. So I gave her the pacifier & she calmed down and I put her back I to crib (I’m tired and exhausted) and 30 min later she...
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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    Just wondering if yours do to? My LO falls asleep between 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm all depending on her naps throughout the day. Usually she gets Fed right before bed. She wakes up after her first 6ish hour of stretch and eats. Then sometimes actually for most nights she wakes up around 4:20am...
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    When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

    @rusticray05 I know some do. That’s why I am asking. Because my cousin who’s ebf got after 12 weeks full blown periods ever since I really don’t get it either
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    When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

    @rubywilson Crazy !!!! I guess the saying my husbands grandma always says is true for some “once you start the baby machine it won’t sleep” … I’m having cramping for a week and a half now. So I’m confused. Ovulation should not last this long. Period is no where to be found either. Starting to...
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    When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

    @caleprete64 The calcium Magnesium supplements help to increase the supply ? Yes !!