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  1. C

    2-2-5-5 schedule with a 6 and 9 year old. Please share your wisdom about what I can expect down the road

    @fellowheirs We do 7-7 with a dinner at the other house in the middle of the week. Tuesday dinner is always at dad’s, and Wednesday dinner is always at mom’s. We switch on Sunday evening. The kids really like the schedule because they like to bring their favorite things from house to house so...
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    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    @ajhnh I put my 15 year old on the pill (she also had bad acne which this helped immensely), gave her condoms, taught her how to use them, let her go to her boyfriend’s house whenever she wants as long as a parent is home, made friends with her boyfriend’s mom so we go to their house as a family...
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    Do you let your kid skip family activities for stuff the other parent wants to do with them during your time?

    @carolvdmerwe These days I ask my older kids if they want to do a family thing before I pay for their ticket. If they say no, they can stay home or in the hotel or whatever. If they say yes and I pay the money, then they are now committed, and cannot back out unless they want to give up their...
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    Vacation Posturing

    @vanhiep240594 They are 12 and 15. What childcare? Childcare ended years ago. Ya’ll are making a mountain out of a molehill. Ask the kids what house they want to hang out with during the day. Drive them there. Stock fridge with microwave dinners. Go to work. Done. No drama needed.
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    Deep breath and here we go

    @carlosbroch I would take the opposite approach and release his decisions and actions into his own control. He is 17 years old and almost an adult. This is your very last opportunity to let him practice screwing up and trying to fix his own problems while the consequences are still pretty...
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    Is our daughter (11F) eating enough?

    @katrina2017 That depends on your definition of a balanced diet. The standard american diet proscribes 45%-65% calories coming from carbs. If 65% of your diet is white bread, sugary cereal, pasta, white potatoes, white rice, and pastries, then yes you can get diabetes from that. If 45% of...
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    Step Mum gave my son prescription drugs that were not his..

    @escapewoman Sorry I missed that you are in a different country. It works differently over here in the states. Medication for children here is definitely not free lol :)
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    Step Mum gave my son prescription drugs that were not his..

    @cturtle Saying this as a mom of 5 kids, one of them with autism, and one of them with ADHD. I know this isn’t what you want to hear. But. Honestly, if she tried Ritalin off the cuff with a kid who was already going through an eval, in reality all she did was save you a bit of time and money...
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    Is our daughter (11F) eating enough?

    @katrina2017 See, that’s what I thought my whole life. Which is why I now have pre-diabetes. I was wrong. Carbs aren’t really all that good for you, unless you are an athlete. Carbs are emergency quick burn fuel, that is good for right before a bunch of heavy exercise. But if you don’t burn...
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    Is our daughter (11F) eating enough?

    @eae45 I have 3 girls and 1 boy who just went through or are currently going through puberty. The boy’s appetite quadrupled after puberty started. He will eat two full adult meals at a restaurant. The girls appetites all fell drastically. They will eat things like a cup of soup at a...