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  1. D

    Morning conversations with my 4 y/o

    @mrussell Wastefully. Scraps for dad.
  2. D

    I have full custody of my kids (4, 6 & 8) indefinitely and I don’t know how to tell them why

    @spiritualfriend I’ve never heard of a hair test for alcohol, TIL
  3. D

    Both of us work, but we have no after school childcare. How do you guys do it?

    @amyers3 Funny enough it’s almost the opposite, like I realized that even going into an office full time before a kid, realistically 80% of my work got done in 40% of the time I spent, so I have a confidence that I can get my job done with tighter time constraints it’s just… getting to make use...
  4. D

    Both of us work, but we have no after school childcare. How do you guys do it?

    @amyers3 With 1 kid, schedule is blocked for preschool drop off and pickup, usually WFH so no commute and it’s close, and it’s similar to what you’ve got here for my 5 year old. Get work in early or in evening if I can’t get through what I need in the day, flip flop who does pick up based on...
  5. D

    pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

    @katrina2017 I shoot for getting my baby down in the crib on most naps but it’s clear when she’s not having it, I just say fuck it and relax and let her nap on me. I’d rather she get an actual nap than spend the same time trying to get her down and still not getting the sleep.
  6. D

    Oh, me? Just screaming into the void

    @isaiahvega Yeah, there’s a difference between “live your life” and “travel, Disneyland, cruise”. I don’t envy anyone with kids in daycare right now.