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  1. L

    Birth story: unplanned c-section. Help me understand what happened. (TW: birth trauma)

    @boby777 I’m sorry. Unplanned c sections can feel very traumatic. Especially when you progress to 10cm and it seems like it should’ve worked out. Highly recommend joining ICAN on Facebook and checking out the VBAC Link podcast and Fb group when you are ready. It helped me to share my birth story...
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    What is it like going from 1-2 or 2-3 kids with 2 full time working parents?

    @alovedivine I love this comment. I’m wrapping up my 3rd pregnancy and always imagined 4 kids but between two full time careers and the intensity of pregnancy and newborn time I am starting to think this may be the last one. Trying to find peace with it and enjoy the benefits of how close my 3...
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    16w, pelvic bones hurt like I’ve been riding a bike?

    @linenthesand Stop running asap!! I developed severe spd with my first from running. Once it gets worse (and it can get so bad it hurts to walk) you can’t fix it. The best thing you can do is halt or slow its progression by minimizing high impact pelvic work like running
  4. L

    Regretting decisions made re: pregnancy

    @isabella63 Your comment reminded me of one of my favorite Dear Sugar's about the life we don't choose.