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    Where’s your diaper station/cart located when you have a 2 floor home?

    @ohiogators Same. I was told I’d never use the changing table. We love it so much that we quickly found we would cross the house to use it. He is 14 months now and we had a period where he was fighting changes, but it was worse on the floor. It was impossible to roll him to his back for even a...
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    I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

    @choosehappiness My friend found herself as admin of the local mommy FB group, it was overrun by spam and the person who had it didn’t want to do it anymore. First change was renaming it from “Moms” to “Parents”.
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    I am team crib til college. Change my mind

    @kevt This! My 3yo rolled out of his very low bed and smacked his chin on the bed frame. Needed stitches.
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    Ads and instructions for the Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper

    @emmanuel2016 Yes! The baby industry has changed but it still has far to go. They still use words to lead a caregiver to believe that sleeping in the thing are ok, but then somewhere in the manual it says no no don’t you let baby sleep in this! Example from the description of the first baby...
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    Ads and instructions for the Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper

    @noldoxis The regulation system for most infant/kid things is a lawsuit system. Something is made, a child gets injured/dies, the company gets sued, they pull the product so they don’t get sued more. There are a few regulated things. Car seats (just the seat not any car seat accessories)...
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    Ads and instructions for the Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper

    @ikon I remember that! Googled up a pic.Rock n Play Box
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    BumGenius elastics – no sew or full replacement method?

    @mymakersdaughter Try the full replacement to see how annoying it is. Then gauge whether it is “worth it” to try the no-sew way to avoid doing that, with the possibility that you might have to do the full replacement soon after. Keep in mind that you’ll get faster at either method after doing a...
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    What evidence is there that repeated COVID infections won’t negatively impact a child’s health over time?

    @guevaraj It’ll take a long time to get the evidence accumulated down to a young child level. Parents remember milestones like when a preschooler accurately identifies and describes something like a sore throat properly. Babies/toddlers aren’t going to self report symptoms. We have to wait for...
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @capriccio If there is anywhere you like to go with a membership option, that’s a great holiday gift. Perhaps a family member would buy it or as a parent you could gift it along with a token gift (ex a small animal toy and a zoo membership.) Also, when asking family for a membership present it...
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    Ads and instructions for the Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper

    When this recalled product comes up I see a LOT of misinformation about it. I think everyone needs to watch this ad, look closely at the design and listen to the audio. It really speaks for itself on why it is unsafe. Even when “used properly.” Watch the ad for a Fisher Price Newborn Rock n...
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    Still mourning Tide free & gentle powder

    @y0ung1996 I’ve used Tide Free & Gentle for years. I have to do two washes, first a short warm wash with half the amount of detergent then a long hot wash with the normal amount of detergent. I have a top loader so I use “normal” and “heavy” - none of the washes are super long. I could never...
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    Does your working partner help overnight?

    @daisy83 I can naturally stay up quite late and sleep heavier in the pre-dawn hours. My husband is the opposite. So I handle nights until I’m ready to tap out then it’s on him. I think this works out best for a SAHP because he gets to sleep most of the night, if we predict it will be an awful...
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    I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

    @katrina2017 I have a lot of respect for people working jobs that would make me miserable. One of those jobs is burger flipper, I love burgers but I’m a miserable cook.
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    Please help with my wash routine! I feel like I've tried everything and am feeling frustrated

    @anamarina No wonder you couldn’t find it! Whirlpool made their machines basically the same for forever, could probably google a lookalike’s manual. Kinda jealous of the broken sensor on the lid, can’t forget to close the lid and come back to unwashed laundry.
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    Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

    @disguisedlamb I have a spouse who very rarely gets sick and doesn’t get too sick to get out of bed/stand, he struggles to empathize with the feeling of ‘might pass out if I push myself.’ That’s a deep conversation you’ll need to have and really explain it. For me that usually means standing up...
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    Please help with my wash routine! I feel like I've tried everything and am feeling frustrated

    @anamarina My Whirlpool’s model # is hiding in the lid hinge, I have to hold it halfway open and squat a little to see in. Example pic
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    WTT #2 Bedroom Problem (not that kind of problem)

    @jacklemyapple Set up the official nursery in sons room. Put the pack n play in your room. When you no longer want baby in your room, move pack n play downstairs. This way if baby has an inconsolable night, there is an option to go downstairs away from everyone else.
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    Please help with my wash routine! I feel like I've tried everything and am feeling frustrated

    @anamarina Does your washing machine have a filter that needs cleaned? What’s the model #? I’m trying to think of what hasn’t been suggested. It seems you have a top loader and they’re pretty simple things. It’s a boring thing to do, but you can listen through the cycle and open the lid a few...
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    Advice to newbie on water temperature

    @walkwithme To get a 2nd degree burn you’d have to hold your hand under 60°C water for 5 minutes. Source
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    Advice to newbie on water temperature

    @walkwithme You should have to add cold in the shower. Your hot water heater holds a certain amount of water, if you are not mixing it with cold it is going to run out very fast. Especially when baby arrives and you’re using more hot water! Doing F to C conversions, but 49°C is “normal” for a...