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  1. R

    My 8 y/o daughter came out as bi but she doesn’t understand what the means and I need advice

    @ian1978 I believe that you don't think you're transphobic, but many of the things you are saying are transphobic/homophobic. They're most likely things you learned from society and don't even realize are hurtful/harmful. It would be nearly impossible to live in a society that has our bigoted...
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    My 8 y/o daughter came out as bi but she doesn’t understand what the means and I need advice

    @ian1978 You're being incredibly transphobic right now. If your family member is trans, do you know how much more likely they are to commit suicide? Please educate yourself and stop with the self-righteous indignation. You're not a victim.
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    My 8 y/o daughter came out as bi but she doesn’t understand what the means and I need advice

    @ian1978 It means cisgender/heterosexual and there is far more pressure in society to be those rather than to be LGBTQ. If you don't know what cisgender means, you should look it up. It makes me sad that you categorize LGBTQ as "outcasts". Your daughter sounds like she is exploring her...
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    6 y.o. advised to get 8 crowns! What the what!?

    @dusht My grandkid's dentist uses silver diamine fluoride. My granddaughter had GERD so badly that it caused seizure-like activity and an extremely acidic environment for her teeth. She also has very deep grooves in her molars, so it was the perfect storm for tooth decay, despite practicing good...
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    6 y.o. advised to get 8 crowns! What the what!?

    @zarif You do not want to wait until they hurt because at that point there's a good chance you need a root canal. Source: waited until they hurt. 😔
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    6 y.o. advised to get 8 crowns! What the what!?

    @kokopuff Oh my god he assaulted those children! Not to mention the impact dental-related trauma can have on an adult patient, let alone a child! That MFer needs to be in prison for a good long time! That's one of the most despicable trust violations I could imagine. 💔 Those poor children and...