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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @allen89 To add: I also haven’t shared anything on social media. It’s no one’s business and I need privacy to deal with my own emotions. I can hardly bare the few people that do know texting and asking for updates. I haven’t even told my closest friends from work. It’s too much to explain in a...
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @allen89 Oh mama. I’m so sorry you relate. I’m so sorry you haven’t gotten to hold your sweet baby. Our’s was put on CPAP directly after my section and was in nicu for 2 hours before they brought him to me. That was excruciating enough so I can’t even imagine your pain. We just finished up day 6...
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @activellc Oh my goodness you took the words right out of my mouth. The grief. This pain feels the same as when I’ve lost loved ones. It’s just as intense and all consuming. So sorry you are feeling this too. I hope we get our sweet boys home soon 💙
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @john316believe It’s truly rocked our world. I also had an uneventful, great pregnancy. He always was healthy and perfect. We are now on day 4 of nicu with no answers. I cry all the time. I feel like I’m being robbed of my limited newborn days with him. I’m so sorry you and your wife are feeling...
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @peterw2000 This is exactly how I have felt. I even told my mom being woken up by babies crying in the mother/baby unit was just devastating. I can’t even get on social media because I can’t risk seeing another baby with their mom. I can’t watch tv because I can’t focus. I just spend 11-12 hours...
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @ldh The hardest part is not getting to take him home. It’s like life is put on pause until he is with us at home. I’m so sorry you’re going through this too and for so long. The strength that is nicu mama’s have to possess is beyond what I even knew was possible. I hope you and your baby get...
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @stranded Aw thank you so much. He was able to be taken down to 21% o2 today for most of the day which was great news. Still a little touch and go though. They are going to see how he does tonight and see if they can start lowering the flow as well. Trying not to get too excited as he still is...
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @stranded Yes, we trying weaning him everyday and it just never works. The devastation I feel everytime I hear those monitors start beeping is indescribable. I’ll hear it in my nightmares forever I’m convinced. It feels so unnatural leaving without him every night, because it is. We are...
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @leachim Our date kept getting pushed back too. Everytime we would make a discharge plan, something would happen. Now we have no end in sight. It is just devastating.
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @mbeezo Yes every hour brings on different emotions for sure. They were able to take him down to 21% o2 today for most of the day which was definitely a step in the right direction but still touch and go right now. We are just praying he continues to heal so we don’t get transferred to a level 1...
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    @mbeezo This community has definitely restored my faith in humanity even though this is the last thing I ever wanted. Just the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. I feel so blindsided. I was just a healthy pregnant person a week ago and now I’m post major abdominal surgery in the nicu with my...
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    Got discharged today without my baby

    I am 4 days PP. Went into spontaneous labor Sunday at 37+2, had a 7 hour labor before it was time to push, pushed for 2 hours and he wouldn’t descend so we ended up having a c-section. He had to be in the nicu for 2 hours after birth for some fluid in his lungs and then he was with us. He...