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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @kolox For #2 same for me and it’s so helpful. His clothes are the nicest cause he actually like sees people. So I was always scared to mess them up.
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot I’m still totally winging it, 3 years in, but every day I load the dishwasher, run it overnight, and empty it in the morning. I also try to do one load of laundry “all the way through” each day. I’ve found that works better than cramming all the laundry into a day and then leaving the...
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    Don’t y’all miss this fisher price banger

    @christian20 If I ever hear a breast pump again imma have flashbacks
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    Because I know it’s not said enough!

    @missgolightly I really needed this today. Currently crying on the back porch cause my kid was a jerk to me all morning. I know it was just attention seeking because I was babysitting another toddler who needed my attention, but it still hurt my feelings. These days are long AF.
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    Does this sound like a reasonable and or normal to you life of a stay at home mom to a 2.5 year old?

    @xeonome Kinda sounds like a lot. I’m a sahm and my child is the same age as yours. I do all the household chores too, but I do all the laundry in 1-2 days so I don’t have to do it all week. At night I load the dishwasher and in the morning I empty it. I usually take my toddler out to the park...
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @kmar123 We always warmed up our bottles. I probably wouldn’t bother warming them if I ever had to formula feed again.
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @homeowner For the 2 hours between each feeding?
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @striveforclarity This is what we did: baby cries, husband gets up with her and changes her diaper, while I go to kitchen to make a bottle. I feed her and then when I’m done feeding her, he swaddles her and gets her back to sleep. That was the same routine whether he was working or not. I’m...
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @krumdel Yeah I don’t know what I’m gonna do with this next baby cause my toddler doesn’t nap anymore and my husband is now away from the house 12 hours a day. I’m basically preparing to be a walking corpse for 2 years.
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    Sleep consultants can FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. (Part 2 - The follow up)

    @ralitza I was gonna say, the Venn diagram between swaddling and sleep training should have no intersection.
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    What do you do to keep yourself sane?

    @mikeytosh That’s a great age for getting out and about, and they’re just happy to be with you so they don’t have opinions about where you go yet (unlike my 3 year old!). Go walk around a farmers market, do some shopping, go see friends. I hear that baby wearing is good, though my baby never...
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    When did you start getting morning sickness and what has it been like?

    @mousa I felt nauseous (if I was hungry usually) from weeks 6-10 but mostly I’ve just had fatigue
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    I missing cooking dinner wholeheartedly

    @snlmommy I hear you!! It is better now that my toddler takes a consistent nap in the afternoon. I can prep everything during the nap and then dinner is a lot quicker.
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    TTC q’s

    @krkrlm7 Are you open to finding a new Dr? Maybe you could ask around and see if there’s another good one who takes your insurance.
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    Watching a friends 2 yo in addition to my own 1 & 3 yo

    @wvguy777 I’m still trying to understand how people watch more than 1! My 1 year old requires my full attention all day!! I suppose someday I’ll want another but right now I can’t fathom it.