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    My 2.5 year old is a DICTATOR and it’s hurting our relationship

    @katrina2017 I need to forgive my kid on a daily basis, and she probably needs to forgive me too. Toddlers can say and do really hurtful things (moms certainly can too, as we know because we have moms). I think forgiveness is good.
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    7.5 mo old used to be sleep trained and now isn’t

    @taejon Yeah I think you’ll be fine. Every kid is different but as long as you feel like you are slowly teaching them more and more how to fall asleep on their own you’re winning!
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    7.5 mo old used to be sleep trained and now isn’t

    @taejon We tried lots of different things but our ultimate goal was to get rid of “rocking to sleep” so we started putting her down drowsy and patting her butt, and sitting on the floor by the crib until she was settled. Then I started learning her cries—she had a gentle, fussy cry and I knew...
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    7.5 mo old used to be sleep trained and now isn’t

    @stefanylove People make it seem like sleep training is a one time thing (kinda like how you can potty train in 3 days right? Lmao) but we had to re-do it many times, during every regression. We did “fuss it out” but nothing formal like checkins.
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    Anyone else not “crave adult interaction”?

    @porven I crave alone time cause when I’m with adults I can’t make good conversation anymore :(
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    I bought Expecting and Empowered and I feel scammed - a review

    @choirmom Sounds like it should be an app! A PDF, the way you describe it, just sounds lazy!
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    My 2.5 year old is a DICTATOR and it’s hurting our relationship

    @onlyjesus316 I just want to chime in and say sorry you’re going through this. I’m really sensitive too and I’ve tried walking on eggshells to avoid tantrums. It really doesn’t work, but I’ve tried! It only gives the kid more fuel and power. I’m currently working on asking my child to speak...
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    My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

    @ocromwell Ugh. Same. 2 was so sweet, in hindsight
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    I’m boring

    @antnf8900 I’ll be boring with you! I have such a hard time listening and engaging when my husband tells me about his work. My mind is doing rainbow cartwheels and I’m like FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS.
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    FTM Weight Gain Questions

    @tyler82 I agree with looking for a different OB. I’m the same weight as you OP and I gained about 25 lbs during my first pregnancy and my OB never even mentioned it other than to say I was doing fine. I lost 15lb before leaving the hospital with my daughter. Weight gain is normal during...
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    My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

    @3007 Literally cried myself to sleep last night because I can’t handle my 3 year old. I’m also pretty close to birthing my second and suddenly wondering who the hell thought I was qualified for 2 kids when I can’t handle the one I have.
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    Scared about vaginal birth.

    @misha100 I tend to agree with your OB. A c section is a huge surgery. I had a vaginal delivery with a second degree tear, but I was up walking within an hour and had minimal pain. When you’re taking care of a newborn, you don’t want to be recovering from major surgery unless you have no choice...
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    Traumatized from watching my wife labour

    @indigostarfire My husband definitely had that helpless feeling. Especially when they failed to place the epidural and had to redo it multiple times and I was in so much pain. I’m sorry you both went through that. She sounds incredibly tough, making it that long with no help. I got fentanyl too...
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    worried about being confrontational about my baby

    @sallyburns Girl, feed your baby! Don’t worry about the other people. If they make you feel bad for feeding your baby, they’re the weird ones!!!
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    How long to hang onto pre pregnancy clothes?

    @nomoresmiles I made a little clothing quarantine for clothes that are too small but that I still love. I’m 3 years out and now pregnant again, but I’m still hopeful maybe I can wear them again. And it’s just one box in the attic so it’s no big space stealer.
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    What are babies like at 5-6 months

    @thomasleonard Honestly my favorite age. You just tote them around like a smiley little rotisserie chicken. They’re the cutest.
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    Driving 5/ 6 hours (without counting breaks) for Thanksgiving with a 2 month old. Would you do it?

    @graced1257 Thanks! It was a rough time for sure, but we got through it! My daughter kept me going
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    Driving 5/ 6 hours (without counting breaks) for Thanksgiving with a 2 month old. Would you do it?

    @graced1257 No. My dad died when my daughter was 3 months old and we had to drive 3 hours. She cried almost the whole way, as did I. 10/10 would not recommend
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    SAHM and Spouse WFH

    @brucepjr We’re hoping to do that soon but the separation anxiety is so strong right now, my daughter would cry the whole time.
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    SAHM and Spouse WFH

    @toolenduso When my baby was that age my husband worked from home full time too (he doesn’t anymore but anyway). Husband would get up with baby in the morning (around 7) and take her for a walk for about 45 minutes while I got up and got ready for the day. I’d make breakfast and then he’d go to...