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    Adult Stepdaughter is Making Us Miserable! Help!

    @juanna Does your 7 year old endeavor to take care of themselves? My kiddo has been taking over progressively more of his own care tasks since he was 2; at 4 he can do a lot of the steps of his own laundry, likes to wipe down his table, is getting decent at some cooking tasks, etc. I bet your 7...
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    OaD decision made for me

    @earlw To an extent, yes. I grew up with A LOT of neglect and abuse. I was also parentified. I deal with anxiety and depression, and even when those are well managed, I get overwhelmed easily. My overwhelmed response is identical to my trauma response, which is deeply unpleasant. Some days it...
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    Are obnoxious colourful plastic toys really that bad?

    @gavinbatsonezoic All of this, plus, if you’re like me and do a lot of thrifting/buy-nothing, the toys that still work on the third kid are all analog. My kid’s favorite toy for a year was a 1970s smiley face apple with a bell inside. I’ve kept that one to give to his kid(s) someday.
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    Neighbor’s child crying for hours in the early morning. Is this normal?

    @laird Not intentional, but our ikea rug doesn’t quite reach the nursery door so there’s a few inches of hardwood there. My son peed on another door yesterday so, yeah. Have I mentioned that ikea rug is getting incinerated as soon as he’s potty trained?