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  1. E

    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @christfollower1993 Good. That sub was starting to echo HARD. Only certain science aloud...
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    do you tell your pediatrician?

    @tjschaffer I tell them. They have never said a thing, I'm even gonna ask a question about safe sleep next time. I really like our office.
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    Talk to me about babies measuring big (5.5lbs at 32 weeks), monitoring and avoiding induction!

    @omnitude This isn't initially helpful but bare with me, I was super grateful my midwife didn't share or talk about baby size during our visits, I don't want to know! I delivered an almost 9lb baby, no tearing, and I felt confident during labor. If someone told me I was having a 9lb baby I...
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @aschreck This is super normal. The baby sleep industry is just that, a money grab industry. It is normal for a baby NOT to sleep through the night for years. Sometimes our LO has 1 wake up, sometimes they have 12. Its always changing and I've been much happier once I accepted there's...
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    Unvaccinated Nanny

    @lauriesinglemom Did you ask if she is going to get it this year since she is nannying and it's an agency requirement? A bit passive aggressive but... Allows her to further explain herself
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @cathya Idk.....we are 7 months in no rash ever. Just using cotton prefolds
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    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @mh86 I slept in my parents room, on a couch, till 11. And I was sleep trained 😹
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @nyki_t I actually like this reply, it's getting into the nity-grity (?) of reaserch. As someone who worked in a HUGE R1 reaserch lab, this is a great thing to point out. Bc let me tell you, as someone scientifically minded and who supports and conducts reaserch, it should ALL ALWAYS be taken...
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    Concerned about teenage son's interest in guns

    @yhwh_will_uplift So, as a gun owner, imo guns as a hobby should not be thought of as self defense ever. The repercussions of having to use a gun for self defense are astronomical, expensive, and damaging to the user, injured, and families. I think that is a REAL conversation worth having...