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  1. E

    Teething "fever"

    @kevintri99 Anecdotally, my son always ran a low fever with every tooth too (usually 101 and under). Sometimes he was sick, sometimes he wasn't, but always an elevated temperature. My husband is also prone to random fevers (with stress, allergies, etc.).
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jellofishxo Absolutely anecdotal, but I am a late summer kid who started school at 5. Socially, I was a little shy, but that's still true of me as an adult. I had several close friends throughout school and am still friends with them in my 30s. Academically, I was more than ready to go and was...
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    Tipping Daycare Teachers

    @heavenann I don't think so at all! I think giving your own cards (including adorable homemade cards) is a lovely gesture and a nice complement to the class gift. Our previous center didn't do class gifts (or have room parents), so this was all new to us, but when I organize class gifts, I...
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    Tipping Daycare Teachers

    @johnsubira Our son's daycare has room parents for each class (I am one) who organize a class gift around the holidays for teachers. The parents committee suggests $20 per teacher (or whatever is comfortable), but the gifts are absolutely voluntary. Parents can contribute as much or as little as...