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    5 under 5?!?

    @daniel1986 With respect to a fall baby, is your oldest in school yet? Or going to preschool? I had my third last November and both her older siblings (4 and in kindergarten, 2 and in full time daycare) had a cold at the time. I ended up going to the ER 3 days pp with a fever and then baby ended...
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    I don’t really have time to make this rant but I feel like I’m about to explode

    @grace4nan 💯 OP needs to just say no. No to her husband. No to her coworkers. I’ve been in her position before, at home at least, and I made sure my husband understood that when I went back to work and he took off leave he would be responsible for everything I was responsible for when I was on...
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    “Why didn’t you remind me?” -My Husband

    @jonathandavidgoddard This. It’s a painful lesson but hopefully one he won’t forget.