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  1. M

    If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

    @fudge Yes, 100%. My son is only 5 and things have been (and continue to be) challenging at times, but I would do it again. In general, I found having an infant to be extremely difficult (colic, didn't sleep well at all until 18 months). Additionally, the pandemic has made toddlerhood kind of...
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    Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

    @jvplead2 Awesome! What did you guys do? I’m a big fan of Scotch Whisky and have not been to Scotland. I’m hoping we can combo some sort of trekking trip with some Whisky stops, but I’m really keen on the Islay Whiskies and I’m not sure there would be much for a kid to do amongst the rolling...
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    Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

    @faithwillsaveme We loved it and definitely plan to go back now that we know a bit more about the less travelled places; I’d love to do the north and some of the smaller cities/towns!
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    Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

    @mbiddle Please do! I've never been to any large theme park (even as a kid), so I'd love to hear how it goes.
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    Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

    @cherishedgirl Ours hasn't napped since he was 3, but he did fall asleep on a few mid-day car rides after a busy morning. We were able to plan around that a bit so he wasn't constantly asking to play the Pokemon theme in the car :) If yours is still napping you could probably split your days...
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    Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

    @exhilarated We saw lots of families on this trip and I will say, travelling with one kid seems a lot easier than multiples. That being said, I saw a few families with 2-3 young kids who seemed to be doing just fine. I have wondered about the future when it would be easier to travel with...
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    Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

    @eagle1980 I travelled quite a bit before having a kid and I would say Portugal is a very accessible place to solo parent. I think you'll have a great time! The one thing I found a bit different was the lack of playgrounds. They exist, but they aren't as numerous or interesting as the ones...
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    Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

    I posted here a few weeks ago asking for advice about taking our first international trip with our 5-year-old son (Jack). I thought I'd post a follow-up because international travel is a common topic among OAD families. To simplify some things, I have highlighted in bold text things we learned...
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    Quality over quantity?

    @reporter94 Grandma's collecting kids like Pokémon.