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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @annache I really appreciate your offer so much, and I honestly might take you up on it. I'm actually going to sit down with my son's father at the end of the day and chisel out and exact schedule for how this school year is going to go. I won't bore you with all the details, but I've been in...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @disciple2011 I think we all need to pitch in and book out a daycare for a day, drop the kids off, and then go back to someone's house and take a nap. Just snack, nap, then get up to snack some more before taking another nap. You aren't alone in the world of neuroatypical children. I am...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @nebulasoul I will definitely take you up on that messaging offer if the mindset from last night ever comes back around again. And the same goes for you: if you ever need someone to rant at or listen to that understands, my inbox is open to you. Really and truly. Also, just one second: a squid...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @ikimi100 My child was an accidental miracle as well. I was told my entire life I'd never be able to have kids, or that I would seriously struggle like my mom did to have them, because of a birth defect I have with my uterus. And then he came along and he flipped my world upside down in the best...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @kf4zmt I will accept all of the hugs, and I send tight virtual hugs in return. I feel the ex thing, though. We agree on a lot of things, but there are definitely things I have to help my kiddo with once he comes back to me after the summer. Like, his eating habits. And his snacking habits. And...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @katrina2017 The highest of fives for surviving. ✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @katrina2017 The only way I stave off the exhaustion some days is sleeping and resting when my child is sleeping and resting.
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @jordanhesse I'm so sorry that you get it, but you aren't alone in how you are feeling.
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @sueg Thank you. I appreciate that more than I can currently verbalize. I don't know if it's the pandemic coupled with everything else, or if it has always been this exhausting it's just that the way it's tiresome has changed, but I just want to bang my head against a wall. I'm so tired of all...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @kansild For me, there are two kinds of moments in this world: moments that help us move and moments that help us evolve. The moments that help move us progress us forward, but the moments that help evolve us require an understanding that because the moment itself has taken place, what comes...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @heavensvoice I HAVE AN IDENTITY BEYOND BEING A PARENT Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, Y E S. Why did my entire existence poof into oblivion because I became a parent? When did it become a bad thing to put the kiddo to bed a little early because I want to start a new book I just bought? When did it...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @themightyturtle Nature is on your side. Thank you. Seriously. I feel like I'm legitimately crazy sometimes when I can't do all of it, and then people look at me like I'm crazy because I can't pencil in things like P.T.A. meetings and soccer lessons and karate classes on top of everything else...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @bartonhollow75 My word, the audacity of people is ✨wild✨ these days. I can't believe people have actually said those vile things to you to your face. I am so incredibly sorry. But, you are exactly right. We didn't create these children alone, and--at least in our circumstances--we didn't plan...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @bartonhollow75 Right!? It is so wild to me how so many people believe that once you have children, anything less than having a constant smile on one's face is somehow proof that a child is being neglected. It's gotten to a point where I no longer talk to friends I used to talk to you on a...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @iowa52241 Mmmmmm, wine. 🍷🍷🍷 Seriously, though. I wish that people understood that just because I have moments where I need to vent and rant about my child, that doesn't magically mean that I regret ever having kids. My child is the best part of me. He has all of the good parts of me and my...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @tert I will happily accept those hugs and send them right back.
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @calo RIGHT!? Like right now, I'm leaning back in my recliner and I'm staring at the ceiling, and I've probably been doing it for the past hour. I'm experiencing mom guilt over giving my child a melatonin gummy because I just needed a night. 2.5 mg. That's it. And somehow, through all of the...
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @calo A bunch of us should take a single parents vacation and we should all get that as a group tattoo 😂😂😂
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @valsaex This is what I say about my son! Like, I completely understand THAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF DOING EVERYTHING I TELL YOU THAT YOU CANNOT DO SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU ARE FUELED BY THE ABILITY TO PROVE ME WRONG. But for this specific moment, can we just ✨NOT✨ 😂😂😂
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    Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

    @valsaex If you ever need anyone to talk to, please know that you can always message. I feel like single parents are the ones that need a tribe the most, but is also a sector of the populace that gets out the least in order to find their tribe. Just know that if you ever need to talk, or be...