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  1. L

    What's the obsession with "catching up"?

    @jcrook I just tell people no one will notice she is two months behind by the time she is a 3yo. And then they just say "oh yeah" and look like they feel dumb for not thinking of that.
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    New NICU Father. All help and advice please

    @bennycross315 I gave birth via C-section because of severe preeclampsia about 3 weeks ago. Our baby was 29 weeks but in the 11th percentile for weight so still pretty tiny. I know it sucks that it feels like you can't do anything. But your baby is in the best place for her and the nurses are...
  3. L

    How often/long are you at the hospital?

    @ninkies Most parents here don't have older kids at home, so you absolutely can't compare your situation with theirs. Ultimately, you need to do whatever you need to for your own mental health, whether that is staying home more, or going to the NICU more. Personally I decided that my 3yo needed...
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    What’s for Christmas, y’all?

    @danisaurus I have this one. I like that it folds up when not in use, and a smaller kid can't fall out of it backwards. When my first got bigger we removed the mesh so he could climb in and out by himself.
  5. L

    What’s for Christmas, y’all?

    @silverbutterflywings I love my kitchen tower! We have gotten so much use out of it. I can't wait until my 1yo is big enough to use it.