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    5 months old still waking up 2x to be fed

    @benstiller12 Only 2?? Mine is 5 months but 4 adjusted and he wakes up after about a 4-5 hour stretch and then every two hours from there so about 3-4 wakes per night
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    Using friend’s breastmilk

    @chrysanthemum43 Lol ahh I’m remember the 3 month old poops. Until they start solids, 100% breastfed babies poop a lot. Mine pooped almost every 3 hours or every other diaper change.
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    iS my BAbY hErE/cOmINg YeT??

    @maylanhtrieuan1 Thanks I saved all of those
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    Just the tip(s), please

    @emersonboi Yup! I didn’t know to do that until like 6 months after pumping!
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    Just the tip(s), please

    @emersonboi Also, if you’ve been using your pump parts for more than 2-3 months you may need to replace them!
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    Is it possible to increase supply at 8 months?

    @vincent1994 Have you changed out your pump parts?