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  1. S

    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @chews This. I had a c section because baby A was transverse breech but I did my research first and chose an OB experienced in vaginal delivery of multiples. Her caveat: everyone healthy, baby A head down and baby B could not be significantly larger than baby A. She was fine to do a breech...
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    Double umbrella stroller reds for big (>40 lb) 3 y.o. twins

    @am1inside Another option is the GB Pockit Stroller. Goes to 55lbs and fits in the cabin. In hindsight I wish we had bought these.
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    Double umbrella stroller reds for big (>40 lb) 3 y.o. twins

    @am1inside I think they can actually lay down in some of the wagons. Just depends on what you get. I’ve seen people with kids sleeping in them.
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    Double umbrella stroller reds for big (>40 lb) 3 y.o. twins

    @am1inside Ya. It only really goes to 44lbs. At this rate mine will be done with theirs before they turn 4. I guess they’re walking! A wagon is the only other options but they’re pricey and huge. I’m just not sure I want to invest. I know a few parents that swear by them for travel since you can...
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    Double umbrella stroller reds for big (>40 lb) 3 y.o. twins

    @am1inside My 3 year old twins are also tall and around 40lbs. We travel with two mountain buggy nanos. Love that we can take them on the plane. One adult is able to push them both if needed. Had the same issue with the twin travel strollers and weight limits. And we wanted something that we...